6:00 PM18:00

Dubois County Pitch Competition


Share your idea at Elevate Southwest Indiana and Current Blend's second annual Dubois County Pitch Competition. The winning pitch will receive prize money to advance their business! To enter, please email a paragraph about what you want to share to by October 12th.

**The event is at 5:00 PM CST (Evansville time) and 6:00 PM EST (Dubois County time)**

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The Story of My Business
6:00 PM18:00

The Story of My Business

This is a great session for CURRENT and FUTURE business owners!!! Free and open to anyone!!! 

Plan to participate in the sixth session of a series of topics to help you understand the steps and help you along your journey of starting your own business. This session will feature a panel of business owners who will share their story about the path they took to get to where they are.

An RSVP is requested, but not required, to or 812-683-5699.

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Location, Location, Location
6:00 PM18:00

Location, Location, Location

This is a great session for CURRENT and FUTURE business owners!!! Free and open to anyone!!! 

Plan to participate in the fourth session of a series of topics to help you understand the steps and help you along your journey of starting your own business. This session will focus on where to locate your business.

Jud CollettSteve Lukemeyer - F.C. Tucker Emge RealtorsJasper Gift Basket & Popcorn Company, and Progressive Investment will be presenting their knowledge on the topic.

An RSVP is requested, but not required, to or 812-683-5699.

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The Blender @ Current Blend
5:00 PM17:00

The Blender @ Current Blend

"The Blender at Current Blend" is a monthly networking mixer for anyone interested in entrepreneurship, starting businesses, freelancing, inventing, co-working, or providers of services.

We'll host it every third Wednesday of the month from 5-6:30pm.

So, please mark your calendars! Anyone is welcome to attend! We'll have snacks and drinks.

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The Blender @ Current Blend
5:00 PM17:00

The Blender @ Current Blend

"The Blender at Current Blend" is a monthly networking mixer for anyone interested in entrepreneurship, starting businesses, freelancing, inventing, co-working, or providers of services.

We'll host it every third Wednesday of the month from 5-6:30pm.

So, please mark your calendars! Anyone is welcome to attend! We'll have snacks and drinks.

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The Blender @ Current Blend
5:00 PM17:00

The Blender @ Current Blend

Announcing "The Blender at Current Blend," a monthly mixer for anyone interested in entrepreneurship, starting businesses, freelancing, inventing, co-working, or providers of services.

We'll host it every third Wednesday of the month from 5-6:30pm, starting March 21. For the first one, we'll take a few moments to share about Current Blend and entrepreneurship in Dubois County.

So, please mark your calendars! Anyone is welcome to attend! We'll have snacks and drinks.

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Legal Primer for Start-Ups
6:00 PM18:00

Legal Primer for Start-Ups

Have you ever considered starting your own business?  Don’t know where to start?  Current Blend, Ferdinand Chamber of Commerce, and Huntingburg Chamber of Commerce are co-hosting a six-part series to help you out!  

“Start Here: Business Development Your Way” continues on Tuesday, March 13 at 6:00pm at Current Blend (307 E 4th Street, Huntingburg) with a session titled "Legal Primer for Start-Ups" and will provide an overview of what you need to know to navigate the legal requirements of your business.  

Anyone is welcome to attend any or all of the sessions.  An RSVP is requested, but not required, to or 812.683.5699

 Be on the lookout for details on the remainder of the events in the series:

  • “Location, Location, Location”
  • “Marketing your own Business”
  • “Sharing my Business’ Story”
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Funding Your Business
6:00 PM18:00

Funding Your Business

Have you ever considered starting your own business?  Don’t know where to start?  Current Blend, Ferdinand Chamber of Commerce, and Huntingburg Chamber of Commerce are co-hosting a six-part series to help you out!  

“Start Here: Business Development Your Way” continues on Tuesday, February 27 at 6:00pm at Current Blend (307 E 4th Street, Huntingburg) with a session titled "Funding Your Business" and will provide an overview of local resources to help get you started.  

Anyone is welcome to attend any or all of the sessions.  An RSVP is requested, but not required, to or 812.683.5699

 Be on the lookout for details on the remainder of the events in the series:

  • “Legal Primer for Start Ups”
  • “Location, Location, Location”
  • “Marketing your own Business”
  • “Sharing my Business’ Story”
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Launching Your Own Business
6:00 PM18:00

Launching Your Own Business

Have you ever considered starting your own business?  Don’t know where to start?  Current Blend, Ferdinand Chamber of Commerce, and Huntingburg Chamber of Commerce are co-hosting a six-part series to help you out!  

“Start Here: Business Development Your Way” kicks off on Tuesday, January 30 at 6:00pm at Current Blend (307 E 4th Street, Huntingburg) with a session lead by Indiana Small Business Development Center’s Terri Brown.  The event is titled “Launching Your Own Business” and will provide an overview of what it takes to get a business up and running in Indiana.  

Anyone is welcome to attend any or all of the sessions.  An RSVP is requested, but not required, by January 29 to or 812.683.5699

 Be on the lookout for details on the remainder of the events in the series:

  • “Funding a Business”
  • “Legal Primer for Start Ups”
  • “Location, Location, Location”
  • “Marketing your own Business”
  • “Sharing my Business’ Story”
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Pitch Competition
6:00 PM18:00

Pitch Competition


Share your idea with others!

“Pitch” it to a panel of judges in hopes of getting prize money to advance it!

Email a paragraph about what you want to share to to enter.


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Blended Coders Volunteer Training
6:00 PM18:00

Blended Coders Volunteer Training

To encourage students to explore the world of computer programming in a friendly, educational environment.

The inaugural program began in February 2017 with eight middle school girls at Current Blend in Huntingburg. They have learned the basic skills to code using Scratch and have created working programs of their own.

We would like to expand Blended Coders to other locations in Dubois County so more students can participate in this fun and rewarding class. With the help of volunteers, we will be able to create Blended Coders groups throughout the county.

We need volunteers who can either:
· facilitate the meetings by presenting the lessons to the students
· or act as an assistant to the facilitator by helping with the basic needs of the students.

You would commit yourself to an eight-week session with meetings once a week. These sessions are after school from 3:30 to 5:00. Lessons and equipment will be available for you. You do not have to have extensive knowledge with computer programming, though even some experience is beneficial to the role of facilitator. Your class would consist of middle school girls. Class sizes will be small so that each student can get the help and encouragement she needs to be successful.



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On Design
6:00 PM18:00

On Design

Current Blend’s Fall Series, "Get Your Idea Off the Couch," is focused on sharing ideas on business, entrepreneurship, and community building.

Kenneth Spond will share ideas on his experience as a graphic designer.

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Starting Up
6:00 PM18:00

Starting Up

Current Blend’s Fall Series, "Get Your Idea Off the Couch," is focused on sharing ideas on business, entrepreneurship, and community building.

Josh Premuda, Current Blend Board Member & Smalley Coffee & BREW entrepreneur, will share ideas on his experience with start-ups.

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Storytelling in a Small Town
6:00 PM18:00

Storytelling in a Small Town

The first speaker in Current Blend’s Fall Series, "Get Your Idea Off the Couch," focused on sharing ideas on business, entrepreneurship, and community building.

Matt Crane, Owner & Editor of Dubois County Free Press, will share ideas on media, storytelling, and marketing in this roundtable discussion.

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4:30 PM16:30

The Spirited Entrepreneur

Our partners in the Indiana Coworking Passport, Purdue@WestGate, presents "The Spirited Entrepreneur" at WestGate Academy (13598 East WestGate Dr, Odon, Indiana 47562) on August 8, 2017 from 4:30 - 6:30 pm. 

Please join us and network with fellow entrepreneurs and service providers! 

Light refreshments will be provided by the Purdue Foundry at WestGate Academy. Spirits of your choice will be available for purchase.



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